CryptoSwing measures volatility across all trading pairs, helping you make more informed cryptocurrency trading decisions. Features include the ability to sort, filter, and lock prices; along with CSV exporting of prices, and more. The data is obtained from Binance, a well known and frequently utilized global cryptocurrency exchange. No sign-in required.
Using the concept of Bollinger Bands and Simple Moving Average (SMA), CryptoSwing displays historical and current technical analysis of more than 1,100 trading pairs. As Binance adds new trading pairs, the app automatically includes them. Note: Binance does occasionally undergo maintenance, and during that time, pricing information will not be available to the app.
In-App Subscription is required to unlock all trading pairs, increase the timespan analyzed, and allow exporting of all stored pricing information.
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Send us a message, or an email to hello@cryptoswing.app